Who Is David Buffaloe?

If you do a Google search on “David Buffaloe” you will find around 18,500 results. When I was growing up I though my name (which I hated) was unique. There are actually a number of “David Buffaloe” named people. One is a successful account director at Capstrat, in Raleigh North Carolina. Another is an Instrument Shop Supervisor at North Carolina State University. Yet another is a high ranking officer in the U.S. Army, a Military Advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs and the Director of Peacekeeping, Sanctions, and Counterterrorism. There are many named “David Buffaloe”, but only one me. Who am I? I’m a nobody who became somebody when I believed on Someone named Jesus Christ. I’m a child of God, believing the Word of God, trying to let Christ my God live through me.

In my first lifetime I grew up and went to school in Garner, North Carolina. A shy child, I was the target of every bully there was at school. I ran away from home at the age of 16, stayed away from home, and stayed in school until I graduated Garner Senior High School at the age of 17. I met the Lord Jesus Christ that year and became “born again through God’s life-giving message that lasts forever” (1 Peter 1:23).

In my second lifetime I became a member of the United States Air Force. I was first a cook, then an accountant, and finally an Electronic Warfare Technician. Yes, those jobs are very diverse, but God was preparing me. While in the military God gave me a wife (Sherry) that I dearly love, and three children – Michael, Stephen, and Matthew. Michael is Executive Pastor of Crosspointe Church in Valdosta, Georgia. My son Matthew still stays with us today. My son Stephen is with the Lord Jesus, who called him home in 1998. I stayed in the Air Force until I retired in 1994.

In my third lifetime the Lord Jesus Christ called me to Pastor. He took from me my shyness and gave me His love for people.  I am continually seeking out a people who love the Lord and love one another. I am praying for the Church in America. Most of what I see today is not the Church, but clubs, where members sit in padded pews and drink deeply of self. I am looking for a people willing to be righteous not self righteous, serving not served. In short, I am looking and praying for a people who want to change the world by willingly and willfully following Jesus Christ. I found out in my third lifetime that the only life worth living is a life devoted to the Lord Jesus.

I hope you have found that out, too.

Visit my site at Bibleteacher or my Facebook Page.

6 Responses to Who Is David Buffaloe?

  1. James Mills says:

    good testimony.

  2. Joseph says:

    I love that testimony and would like to get up with you so that i can learn a lot from you

  3. Sheldon Bass says:

    This blog remains a source of encouraging strength and edification, precisely performing that which Christ has ordained we are to recieve from and offer to one another as members of the body of Christ. Thank you Brother David

  4. Jeannie says:

    Seems you have a wonderful God honoring Church. Churches today don’t look much like churches anymore. I am a widow and travel 30 minutes to get to a good Bible preaching church. Thank you for what you do. I am originally from Goldsboro, NC.

  5. venitanolte says:

    Hello David. I am so glad I found your blog. My heart rejoice everytime I meet a brother or sister in Christ. ♡ Thank you for your teachings. May the Lord strengthen you and may you touch many people to come to the Kingdom of God. Amen and Amen. 😇

  6. Tremendously blessed by the teaching and testimony. May God give you new ways and means to reach many more with the truth you have experienced and are so willing and eager to share with many more. Will be praying for you and your ministry to grow.

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