Tag Archives: Abraham

Jesus The Bondsman Of A Better Covenant

What is the proof that Jesus is the Engyos of God? The phrase “BY SO MUCH” is the Greek kata tosoutos, which means “by so many GREAT proofs”. There are many proofs set forth in Chapter 7 that proves Jesus to be the Head of a Greater Covenant. One of those proofs is in the life of a mysterious Person called Melchizedek. Before we talk about the Melchizedek and Abraham, let me ask this question:

Does God Speak To People?

Illustrate: I was watching an episode of a show Sherry and I like called “Blue Bloods”. I’ve been a Tom Selleck fan from his Magnum P.I. days. The show is generally clean, and depicts a Catholic family in law enforcement, with Selleck in the lead as the Police… Continue reading

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