Tag Archives: Red Letters

How’s Your Candle Doing? Red Letters #3

All humans are created in God’s image – even those little babies still in their mother’s womb. These children are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”, just as we are. The unborn have value. People of color have value. All people have value. Letting our light shine is standing up for what is right and Biblical. It is not to go along with the crowd, but to go along with Jesus. Jesus would not have supported discrimination nor abortion. … Continue reading

Posted in Matthew, Sermon Series "Red Letters", Sermons Preached | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Series “The Red Letters” #1: It Is Written

Oh, how we are all tempted to overcome evil with evil! Someone cuts us off in traffic, then lays into the horn, cursing us with that extended beeeeeeeeeeep! The old man in us says “given them the horn too! Give them something else, perhaps a gesture, or roll down the window and exercise your lungs.” Oh Beloved, this is a fool’s game…. Continue reading

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