Tag Archives: redeemed

Red Letters Series #12: Where Is Your Heart?

Salvation is by faith in Christ. Once we come to Christ we are commanded to do good works – works like fasting and giving – to be more like Christ our Savior. We are justified by faith apart from the works of the Law (Romans 3:28) but once saved, we do the things that are pleasing to our Lord. We are saved not because of our works, but because of God’s purpose and grace (2 Timothy 1:8-10). Listen to me, Beloved…. Continue reading

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In Christ Alone

Imagine if you would imagine, for just a moment, that before I started this sermon someone came running in. Breathlessly that person says:

“A money truck just turned over on the Santa Fe Pike right in front of the Church. The owner of the money has said that we can have all that we want – first come, first serve!” … Continue reading

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Redeemed! How I Love To Proclaim It!

The Bible says two things of every believer in Christ. It says that we are redeemed, and that we are born again. Continue reading

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