Tag Archives: Jesus loves me

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

A Christian is a work in progress. Salvation is entirely a work of God in us. The Scripture says:

Ephesians 2:8-9 For BY GRACE are you saved THROUGH FAITH, and that NOT OF YOURSELVES. It (this salvation) IS THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS, lest anyone should boast.

Salvation is the broken Creature throwing themselves on the Creator and Savior. Salvation is an empty hand, reaching out to God Who is able, seeking fulfillment. Salvation comes to us when God Himself opens our eyes to the Son, and calls us to His side. Salvation comes when we run into the arms of Him Who is not broken, our Savior and Lord Jesus. Once we are saved the Scripture says:

Ephesians 2:10 We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus {to do} good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

We are not saved by works, but by faith. But once saved, we are called to do “good works”. When we become self absorbed and “me” focused, we walk away from our calling and get into trouble. A believer can fall in the worst trap when we make “I” the center of the universe….. Continue reading

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Jesus Will Whip You

John 2:13 And the Jews’ Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem …

Pastor Tony Evans told this story:

“A man once robbed a bank in Ottawa, Canada, stealing $6,000. But the interesting part of the story is this: When they arrested him and took him to jail, they discovered he’d used a 1918 Colt revolver to commit that crime. Now, anyone who knows anything about guns already understands the point of this story. This gun was valued at more than $100,000, yet this man robbed a bank for only $6,000. He could have simply sold the gun and walked away with more than ten times what he got in the robbery. But he didn’t sell the gun because he didn’t know the worth of what he held in his hand.”

When Jesus came to this earth on Our Father’s mission, He came to open our eyes to what is most important.
We are to love God our Savior, and love one another.

We often forget this great truth and, when we do …. Jesus will get your attention. In fact, if you are his, Jesus will whip you!… Continue reading

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The 4000 And The 5000

Our God always keeps His promises. Always!

“Not one of the promises the Lord made to the House of Israel failed; all came to pass” (Joshua 21:45). “Blessed be the LORD, Who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised; not one word has failed of all His good promise..” (1 Kings 8:56). “For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are YES ..” (2 Corinthians 1:20). “Let us hold FAST the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE Who promised, He is FAITHFUL!” (Hebrews 10:23). Continue reading

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When Jesus Saw Their Faith

I rarely hear sermons on sin anymore. I hear preachers say that “Jesus saves from sin”, but no one defines sin. Years ago I went through a series of studies on Harmarteology given by Dallas Theological Seminary. Harmarteology is the Biblical study of sin. It’s part of a Systematic Theology, a study that all pastoral candidates are supposed to take. I don’t know if it’s taught in seminaries anymore, but it was very eye opening…. Continue reading

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I Am Accepted In The Beloved

Jesus was a mass of love. He was love performing, and love suffering. Love made Him live as He did, and love still pervades His nature. He that lives on high is still loving {us}. Since God is love then, and Christ is full of love, His character is suitable to God. … Continue reading

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You Are Gods

the Apostle says “It is God that worketh IN YOU”. If God is IN you, then your salvation will show. You will do what JESUS says. You will actually DO what JESUS said. Yes, you will DO what Jesus said. You will not just SAY you will do it, you will DO it. Continue reading

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Early In The Morning

Jesus Christ is the Redeemer, the Lamb of God Who was in all points sinless. We are the redeemed because He is holy and pure. We are redeemed by His precious and sinless sacrifice. Continue reading

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Jesus Loves Me

One of Jesus’ greatest sermons was one He preached from Capernaum. The sermon was not just great because Jesus preached it (and everything Jesus preached was great), but it was great because of the wonderful illustration Jesus gave the crowd the day before. Continue reading

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